Project compendium, ongoing partnership and collaboration
Here’s me writing about a lot of projects for which I wrote (and some beautifully written by others). As a freelancer, some of my best work has been done in partnership with Elixir Design – a boutique brand-strategy firm in San Francisco headed up by Jen Jerde, seen here with Roger, her second in command. Elixir is a shining example of the idea that work is love made visible. Just look, and you will see. Their work just… shines. Not many people create with such integrity, and I’ve been so lucky to be a part of it.

“I/we have worked with Kathleen for nearly a decade. She is a truly gifted writer that enables organizations to reach audiences to connect on an emotional level. She is able to illuminate even the most complicated subjects from neuroscience, to financial management to complex multi-audience nonprofits. I’ll add that she’s a wonderful team player, a skilled project manager and one of the soulful people I know.
There have been no companies, concepts or too complicated for Kathleen…and her professional background / wide ranging and often-relevant resume makes our unicorn of a partner.”
Jen Jerde